parent resources

Dear Parents,
Parents don’t forget, you are the number-one influence in students’ lives. We want to do our best at partnering with you! Here are some great ways to partner with us:
- Be the biggest fan of our ministry. That can be one of the best outreach tools out there. Your commitment to seeing your student involved in our ministry is also key.
- Communicate, communicate, communicate! If you like something, let us know! If you have a problem or concern let us know! If we don’t know, we can’t help or encourage.
- We want to help start spiritual conversations at home, so don’t be afraid to ask what went on at one of our gatherings or small groups. Dialogue with your student and generate spiritual discussion. Don’t let them off easy.
- Actively pray for our student ministry, the staff, and the students.
- Make student ministries a priority because it has the potential to shape the spiritual foundations of your student’s life.
We wanted to provide you with some helpful resources for the home and to help guide spiritual conversations. Check out the resources below.
Josh McCullough
Associate Pastor
Mount Joy Mennonite Church

Resource Links
Conversation Kit: Use this resource to drive the conversation in the home. Conversation Kit: Helping create connection in your home.
The Power of your words: This resource is desinged to help parents see the power of words in their childs life. The Power of words
Parents with hurting students: Mental illness is a growing pandemic in our society, and greatly increasing amoungst youth. This packet will help you navigate tough questions. Parents with hurting students resource packet
Dealing with anxiety (6th-8th grade): This guide was created to be a conversation piece to help navigate this tough topic. Anxiety for Middle Schoolers packet
Dealing with anxiety (9th-12th grade): This guide was created to be a conversation piece to help navigate this tough topic. Anxiety High School Packet
Digital Engagement Workbook: This book is desinged for you as the parent to work out a step by step approach on setting up rules and boundaries in regards to technology in the home. Digital Engagement Workbook
Five Questions Your Kids Are Asking: This simple resource is desinged to show five questions kids are asking about themselves. Five Questions Your Kids Are Asking