
Not much of eternal significance happens apart from prayer. We are so grateful for all who extend what God is doing in, among, and through us at MJMC through intercession!

Opportunities to serve in prayer ministry include:

  • joining an intercessory team
  • praying with people at the end of Sunday morning worship gatherings
  • prayer walking
  • receiving prayer chain messages
  • committing to pray for a particular ministry of MJMC

Resources shared by Nadene:

“Hello church family, I am sharing these resources on prayer with you with hope they will encourage, strengthen or even help fuel our prayers. We may struggle with prayer for different reasons, and depending what season of life you’re in and how you learned (or didn’t learn) to pray, prayer may feel difficult, unhelpful, boring or even uncomfortable. Maybe you’ve been in a season of prayerlessness for a while now, be honest with your struggles as you seek the Lord and ask the Holy Spirit for help. My suggestion would be that you pick one to listen to (or read) that stands out to you and sit with it for a bit. Turn to your heavenly Father and ask how He is inviting you to respond, and maybe invite someone to join you in prayer and/or listen to one of the resources together. There are six to choose from, blessings as you listen,wait and pray.”

(The speaker in this video is Paul Miller, author of the book A Praying Life)

(Think Biblically is a podcast and Craig Hazen is author of the book Fearless Prayer- Why we don’t ask and why we Should)

(Knowing Faith is a podcast and Don Whitney is author of the book Praying the Bible

(David Murray is a pastor and author)

(Starting Place is a podcast and Elizabeth Woodson is the host. She is a bible teacher and author)

(This is an article on lament and praying prayers of lament)

Ready to serve?

Jodi Garber

Jodi Garber

Lay Minister of Prayer

I would love to hear from you about your interest in extending God’s kingdom through prayer ministry.

To contact us, send an email to the church with “For Prayer” in the subject line.